In sw2.8 'Site status' was introduced. This article describes how to set up and utilise this.

This article is based on sw2.8.1.r170.

'Site status' gives the installer the opportunity to get a quick overview of an installation comprised of 2 or more EoC controllers (TRIAX recommends up to 10 controllers). The 'Site status' is hosted on one of the site controllers, so it is not stored in the cloud.

Note: The hosting controller is not polling data from the other controllers. The controller is storing the credentials and the connecting PC is doing the data collection and presentation. This means, that the overall experience is dependant on the resources in the PC.

To monitor 2 or more controllers in the 'Site status', the controllers must run sw2.8.1.r170 or higher. 

'Site status' is compatible with all hardware revisions and versions.

Accessing 'Site status' & add controllers

'Site staus' is accessed on a, by the installer, selected controller. Click on the 'Site' icon, located next to the 'Logout' icon in the menu bar.

This brings you to the 'Site status' page. The controller hosting this page is not added automatically to the page.

Click on 'Add controller' and fill in the IP address and login credentials. When you are done, click on the save icon.

Once the controller is added, information about endpoints and the controller is displayed.

The MAC address field serves as a link to the added controller. Clicking on the MAC address open the controller in a new tab/window.

Reading information about the controller

Next to each controller, there are 4 action buttons 

  • Refresh: Get data from the controller.
  • Remove: Remove the controller from the 'Site status' page.
  • Open: Access the controller, in a new tab/window.
  • Expand: Display system-specific information of the controller.

Reading information about endpoints

Next to each endpoint, there are 3 action buttons 

  • Reboot: Soft restart/reboot the endpoint.
  • Open: Access the controller where the endpoint is connected, in a new tab/window.
  • Expand: Display endpoint-specific information.

Reading information about connected clients

Click on the 'Clients' button, you will see all connected clients.

Clients with no information in SSID, Band and RSSI are connected to the RJ45 port on the endpoint.