This article is for TDX/TDH installations running very old software (sw. ver. 1.x / 2.x / 3.x)
TRIAX strongly recommend updating the TDX/TDH software to version 4.x or 5.x or 6.x .... Download the software here
These new versions are using HTML5 instead of Silverlight and are supported by modern browsers like Edge, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
The Silverlight software is not supported by new Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.
This is a problem when connecting to a TDX/THD running software 1.x, 2.x or 3.x.
In these software versions, Silverlight is used by the TDX/TDH as graphical user interface engine.
Browsers that support Silverlight:
Microsoft Edge
The Edge browser can be configured to use "Internet Explorer mode". This way it will support the Silverlight runtime.
Follow one of these HowTo's:
Microsoft IE (Internet Explorer)
NOTE: The MS Internet Explorer is retired on the 15 June 2022
The Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 can be downloaded from here:
Firefox Legacy 52 (portable).
This portable edition can be found here: firefox-portable-legacy-52 (ver. 52.1.2 will work)
or here: FirefoxPortableLegacy52_52.1.2
You can download Silverlight here: